2024 Facility Opening Day
Published 9:30am on 10 Apr 2024
On Saturday, April 6th, we had our facility opening day, and it was surely one to remember! I have to share a HUGE thanks to Regan and Cara for organizing and coordinating the activities.
Over 45 people showed up to lend their hands and tools to get our facility ready for the season!
Rosie, Marsha, Carin S, Regan, Mary V, Chris V, Brian M, John P, Brian H, Brennen H, Quinn, Joel, Kelly, Kelly A, Brad G, Wiley M, Tracy M, Brent O, Tom W, Carin U, Ashley L, Carrie B, Kevin H, Tim, Paul N, Gary L, Jeff, Chris, Richard L, Andy G, Auggie G, Duncan S, Anne S, Jim L, Cara V, Matt B, Molly, Evan, Kaleigh, Jay B, Nick, John, Michelle
I am sure we are missing some names because everyone was working so hard!
Some of the items accomplished were:
- Cleaning of the shelter house
- Scrub all the tables
- Stacking Firewood for Fire Fridays
- Cleaning gutters
- Cleaning out social closet and fridge
- Cleanout, weed, and mulch the flower beds
- Resetting the flowerbed edger stones
- Cleanup the restrooms
- Trim tree limbs
- Removal of dead trees
- Burn scattered brush and debris
- Removal of invasive vines and cleanup of the tree line on the West side of the parking lot
The facility looks fantastic, thanks to all the hard-working volunteers. Thank you all for all of your help. We are looking forward to another beautiful season.
Some photos from the event: