Rent a Dock
We usually have a number of docks available for lease and for sub-lease each year. If you own a sailboat (or plan to) and are interested in renting a dock in our marina, start by adding your name to the waiting list. Well contact you if a dock becomes available during the season and invite you to join our spring Dock Pick Day for docks that are available for the upcoming season.
Step 1: Join the Waitlist
Dont panic! The wait list may look long, but not everyone on the list is ready for a dock, so your name will come up faster than you think!
- Print out and complete the ACSA Dockholder Lease Agreement form
- Return the form with a $200 refundable deposit
- This will put your name on our Wait List which can be reviewed here.
Step 2 : Wait to hear from us
Whether at our annual Dock Pick Day or during the season, when a slip becomes available the person, who owns a boat, with lowest number on our Wait List will be given the opportunity to lease or sublease a dock. Slips will be offered to waitlist members starting from the lowest and working in order.
- If a slip becomes available during the season, we will reach out to waitlist members individually
- Each spring you will be invited to our annual dock pick day where leases and sub-leases will be available for the upcoming season.
Step 3: Enjoy your dock (or pick a new one)
If you are a Dockholder in good standing, you can apply for a different dock at the annual Dock Pick Day. Preference is given according to the criteria specified in the dock contract and the marina rules and regulations.
Deadlines and Fees
Annual Lease Period: April 1 - October 31
Renewal Period: February 1 - March 1 - Renewal Form - ACSA Dockholder Lease Agreement
Lease Payments Due Date: Received or Postmarked on or before March 1
Dock Pricing
Refundable Security Deposit: $200 (Paid to get on the Wait List, then held as Dock Security Deposit)
Standard Dock fee: $1,000.00/year
Premium Dock fee: $1,500.00/year
Golden Buckeye Discount: 10% off your fee (leaseholder must present card)
All fees must be paid in full before a slip or space is occupied. The pricing is subject to increase in future years in accordance with our contract with the State of Ohio.
If you have questions or need more information, feel free to contact our Rear Commodore. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have.